Best-known for its silver mine, which brought it to prominence in the past and now has World Heritage status, the real attractions at Omori are the traffic-free streets, nature trails, and welcoming local community.

Omori has a long history. Its silver mines once brought the town prosperity and prominence. But as the silver mines dried up and the workers and their families left, the thriving centre of commerce slowly dwindled to become a small village and was largely cut off from much of the rest of the country. What now remains are the old houses and temples and shrines that were built during its heyday.
Although the silver mines are well worth a visit, what we feel makes Omori town truly special is the way that it has been preserved and looked after. The locals take pride in their city and have nurtured tourism here in a way that is proving to be exemplary. By restricting traffic, burying power lines, maintaining walking paths and resisting development they have created a haven that caters to quality over quantity. For those wanting a Japanese experience all their own, Omori and Iwami Ginzan should definitely be on your itinerary.
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