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Japan does trains like nowhere else in the world. Most people return from Japan with a bit of secret train obsession – and it’s easy to understand why. Not only are they affordable, but they also run on time, are very fast, and they look great… really great. And for all you train enthusiasts out there, Japan has just announced yet more advancements in train travel.

The Maglev has been in development for decades now, but we are gradually getting closer to a passenger-carrying service. According to Mainichi, JR Central has launched a redesign of the train – which aims to carry people between Tokyo and Nagoya by 2027 and Osaka by 2037. The train will have a service speed of 500kmph and will travel the 286km distance from Tokyo to Nagoya in just 40 minutes.
Maglev footage courtesy of Nippon TV News 24 Japan
JR East has been testing its Alfa-X Shinkansen, which travelled at 382kmph, according to the Japan News. This sleek train will run on top speeds of 400kmph along the Hokkaido Shinkansen line between Tokyo and Sapporo in 2031. And it does look very nice, we must say.
Alfa-X footage courtesy of Sendai Broadcasting News Channel
There’s still some time to wait, so until then we’ll have to make do with travelling across Japan at speeds of 320kmph… or indeed, on the myriad of slower trains that zig-zag across the countryside and coast. Trains really are the best way to travel through Japan, and we can’t wait to do it again.