Like this post? Help us by sharing it! We’re going to be honest, being gluten-free in Japan is challenging. Gluten intolerances are rare among Japanese people, soy sauce is used in almost everything, and there’s a fair bit of misunderstanding around what a gluten-free diet means in practice. If you’re coeliac and can’t risk any […]
Food & Drink
Can you eat vegan in Japan?
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! Can you eat vegan in Japan? As veganism becomes increasingly common in the Western world, we find more customers asking us how easy it is to eat vegan in Japan. And that makes sense: for lots of us, food is a huge part of experiencing different cultures […]
8 Japanese food and drink experiences you’ll never forget
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! By now, everyone knows that Japanese food is about more than just raw fish. In fact, it’s about so much more that it can be difficult to know where to begin. There’s Michelin-starred, multi-course, haute cuisine — but there’s also out-of-this-world ramen to be had for a […]
A grain of truth: Japanese rice
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! There’s one foodstuff that’s so intrinsic to Japan that word for it cooked (gohan ご飯, also meshi) is also the general meaning of “meal”. It’s part of the fabric of life. You guessed it, we’re talking about the humble grain: rice Rice has been cultivated in Japan […]
The konbini is king: a one stop shop for life
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! It’s late, you’re tempted to watch another episode of your favourite TV series and a snack would be the cherry-on-top to your night in. But how to find a place that can give you exactly what you’re craving? Maybe you want a sandwich. Maybe you want ice […]
Paper screens – Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! In a slight departure from the world of literature, we’d like to bring you some inspiration from the screen that provides a humbling insight into the life of a true Japanese artisan, and the shokunin kishitsu, the dedicated spirit of the craftsman, that he embodies. Jiro Dreams of Sushi – A film […]
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! In a slight departure from the world of literature, we’d like to bring you some inspiration from the screen that provides a humbling insight into the life of a true Japanese artisan, and the shokunin kishitsu, the dedicated spirit of the craftsman, that he embodies. Jiro Dreams of Sushi – A film […]