Like this post? Help us by sharing it! Ebisu-yu, Kurashiki After my mammoth ride through Shikoku (mammoth for me anyway) I ventured to Kurashiki for a one night stay in this historic town. This was my first visit and I was not disappointed. Kurashiki really is very charming and would definitely make an enjoyable one […]
Places & Where To Stay
Lovely Uji
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! I was going to leave a comment in response to Harry’s post about the autumn sumo events. But then I realised I had too much to say, so have turned it into a post instead 🙂 Basically, I’m so happy to hear the sumo is going to […]
Kyoto for Free! (part three)
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! Hello everyone. Here is the final part of… The Big List of Stuff to Do for Free in Kyoto! Admittedly, I was hoping to have 15 items on this list. But alas, I only got as far as 13 (unlucky for some?) Sorry about that, but please […]
Hirado – Gem of Nagasaki
Come to the home of crybaby sumo, a Chinese hero “on the rocks”, and some of the most beautiful scenery in Kyushu.
Kyoto for Free! (part one)
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! Call me cheap, but I’m currently planning a long awaited holiday to New York and have been googling free things to do in the Big Apple. Which got me thinking… we all know Japan has a widespread reputation for being expensive. But in reality there is so […]
Like this post? Help us by sharing it! Call me cheap, but I’m currently planning a long awaited holiday to New York and have been googling free things to do in the Big Apple. Which got me thinking… we all know Japan has a widespread reputation for being expensive. But in reality there is so […]